Forthcoming Events

A talk with Tony Stubbs

Monday 16th September

'Foerign Travel'

Calendar of events for 2024 – 2025 for Bourne Civic Society

Month Date Event Details
DECEMBER ’23 Christmas Holidays Mill will reopen in 2024 on 7th Jan
JANUARY ’24 Monday 15th Talk with Peter Dobson. ‘Charles 1st – The Man, The Mythe and Properganda’
FEBRUARY Monday 19th Talk with Malcolm Scrivens. ‘1911 Census’
MARCH Monday 18th AGM with a film to follow
APRIL Monday 15th A talk with Richard Bailey. ’50 Happy Years In Retail’
MAY Monday 20th Talk with Michael Gilbert. ‘Making a living in the Medieval Fens’.
JUNE Sunday 16th Visit to Rippingale Station. Details TBC
JULY Friday 5th Social evening at 64 Stephenson Way
AUGUST Sunday 11th Guided walk with Anthony Jennings. 3pm start from Baldocks Mill.
SEPTEMBER Monday 16th Talk with Tony Stubbs. ‘Foreign Travel’
OCTOBER Monday 21st Talk with Jonathan Smith. ‘The history of the Red Hall’
NOVEMBER Monday 18th Talk with Ken Wainwright. ‘Rippingale Railway Station’
DECEMBER No Meeting Mill will close over Christmas and the New Year
JANUARY ’25 Meeting to be confirmed